Each Ministry Is Uniquely Crafted To Engage People Where They Are In Life.  We Encourage Those A Part Of Our Community To Use Their Passions And Skills To Serve. 

Spiritual Gifts


Ephesians 4:11
To be a messenger of the good news of the Gospel.


Romans 12:8
To come alongside someone with words of encouragement, comfort, consolation, and counsel to help them be all God wants them to be.


1 Corinthians 12:28
To render support or assistance to others in the body so as to free them up for ministry.


Romans 12:8
To share what material resources you have with liberality and cheerfulness without thought of return.


1 Peter 4:9-10
To warmly welcome people,even strangers, into one’s home or church as a means of serving those in need of food or lodging.


Romans 12:8
To be sensitive toward those who are suffering, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally, so as to feel genuine sympathy with their misery, speaking words of compassion but more so caring for them with deeds of love to help alleviate their distress.


Romans 12:7
To instruct others in the Bible in a logical, systematic way so as to communicate pertinent information for true understanding and growth.


Romans 12:7
To identify undone tasks in God’s work, however menial, and use available resources to get the job done. You see needs and enjoy responding. You work best short-term and alone (do it now and quickly). You possess endurance and stamina and have a tendency to do too much.


Romans 12:6
To speak forth the message of God to His people. You discern, reveal motives and actions, have strong convictions and a need to express them. Impulsive, direct, and persuasive, you normally are a strong person.


Romans 12:8
The ability to lead others toward spiritual growth with care and diligence; A visionary with the ability to set goals and motivate others toward accomplishing these goals.


Ephesians 4:11
To be responsible for spiritually caring for, protecting, guiding, and feeding a group of believers entrusted to one’s care.


Romans 12:14
You lead and communicate in such a way that people work harmoniously to reach goals for God’s purpose. You enjoy being a leader and can endure adverse reactions to get the job done. You enjoy seeing tasks completed; are able to set guidelines, schedules, and policies; and can delegate to get the work done.